A challenge for you.
But first, a confession.
I’m giving up the bike. After two decades of commuting on two wheels, I’ve determined it’s time to exercise my prerogative as an Ontarian.
I’m getting a car.
Now, before you flip me off for changing lanes, hear me out.
For starters, we cyclists have been missing out on the savings afforded to car users in this province. Not only has Premier Ford generously eliminated licence plate renewal fees, he also plans to extend — for a third time — a tax rebate at the pumps.
These reductions, Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy reminds us, are the government’s way of “helping to keep costs down for the people of Ontario.”
By ‘people,’ of course, he doesn’t mean you. He means the people with cars. He means the people of Ontario.
Perhaps you’re thinking: ‘But I save thousands a year by foregoing insurance premiums and parking costs and maintenance fees. And I never buy gas.’
I wouldn’t be so smug. You’ll soon be made to direct some of those savings toward cost of the much-needed improvements outlined in Bill 212, Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act. This long-overdue bill will earmark even more of your income — to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, by one recent estimate — to…